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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Prime Lens (FFL)-either a photographic lens whose focal length is fixed, as opposed to a zoom lens, or it is the primary lens in a combination lens system.

2. Wide- Angle Lens-wide-angle lenses differ from ultra wide angle lenses in that the latter have a focal length shorter than the short side of the film or sensor, which means that in 35 mm, a wide-angle lens has a focal length between 35 and 24 mm, while an ultra wide-angle lens has a focal length shorter than 24 mm.

3. Calypso underwater camera- self-contained amphibious underwater Calypso 35mm film camera was conceived by the marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau

4. Through-the-lens metering-is a photographic term describing a feature of cameras capable of measuring light levels in a scene through their taking lenses, as opposed to a separate metering window.

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